Sicilian Proverbs: Wisdom from the Heart of Sicily

Passed down through generations, these proverbs are full of wisdom, humor, and local color.

These are all popular Sicilian sayings I heard growing up with their English translations:

Proverbs about Life

  • “Cu’ nesci, arrinesci.”
    • Translation: Those who leave, succeed.
    • Meaning: Sometimes, stepping out of your comfort zone is the key to success.
  • “Acqua passata nun macina mulinu.”
    • Translation: Water that has passed doesn’t turn the mill.
    • Meaning: What’s done is done; you can’t change the past.

Proverbs about Love

  • “L’amuri è comu a fortuna: orba, e cu’ a voli, si a pigghia.”
    • Translation: Love is like luck: blind, and whoever wants it, takes it.
    • Meaning: Love, like luck, is unpredictable but available to those who seek it.
  • “Lu cori fa jiri a pedi unni un po’ jiri la testa.”
    • Translation: The heart takes you where the mind cannot go.
    • Meaning: Love often defies logic and reason.

Proverbs about Work and Perseverance

  • “Cu voli aviri chiù di quattru pedi, si nni voli fari tri.”
    • Translation: If you want more than four feet, you’ll need to make three.
    • Meaning: Ambition requires effort and compromise.
  • “A vita è comu un stissu di nivi: si squagghia senza t’avviri.”
    • Translation: Life is like a snowflake: it melts away before you realize it.
    • Meaning: Life is fleeting, so appreciate it while you can.

Proverbs about Wisdom

  • “Cu mancia fa muddichi.”
    • Translation: Those who eat make crumbs.
    • Meaning: No matter what you do, there will always be consequences.
  • “Megghiu un cori cuntenti ca tri palazzi.”
    • Translation: Better a happy heart than three palaces.
    • Meaning: True happiness is more valuable than material wealth.

Featured Image: OlgaGi –

About the author
Enzo Rossi
Meet Enzo, the Italian culinary maestro who's been crafting delectable dishes since the age of 8. Rooted in the rich traditions of Italy, his kitchen is a canvas for authentic flavors and Mediterranean delights. His recipes are designed for regular, everyday life. Buon appetito!